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Archives (6)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
AIXR.TAR Tape Archive 1 6MB 1996-11-07
HPUXR.TAR Tape Archive 2 5MB 1996-11-07
IRIXR.TAR Tape Archive 2 8MB 1996-11-07
READ.TAR Tape Archive 3 3MB 1996-11-07
SSOLR.TAR Tape Archive 2 7MB 1996-11-07
SSUNR.TAR Tape Archive 2 7MB 1996-11-07

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
INSTALL Text File 1,541 40KB 1996-11-07
INSTGUID.TXT Text File 539 19KB 1996-11-07
LICREAD.TXT Text File 105 6KB 1996-11-07